For begginers

1. Cast on 15 stiches as in this video.

2. This is the first basic stich called “knit”. Knit your first row of 15 stiches like in this video.

3. This is the second basic stich called “purl”. Turn your work so that the long yarn tail is in the beggining of the row and try to purl the next row. This is usually the backside stich of knitting. You have two ways to do it, the easy way(first video) or the hard (second video) way for adventurous people. Try both and choose one up to you.

Congratulations! You learned the basics! From now on, you need to knit those two types of stiches one by one to make a classical knitting cloth.

Knitting Socks. Instruction in Finnish, but it is still a good video.